An API to notify plugins of new/existing commands would mean I could avoid scanning files in DRT. This is a hack I'd love to get rid of. This was accomplished for datarefs; a similar API for commands would be very useful.
API to get attributes of commands and datarefs:
a. Description (as provided in the UI, and DataRefs.txt), etc. The description is often informative for people trying to understand what a dataref found in DRT does. It would also be useful to describe commands to users using this text in the same way that the Settings window does.
b. Check if a dataref is deprecated. The current version of DRT scans DataRefs.txt for the word DEPRECATED for this purpose.
c. Check if a command has been mapped to a keyboard button or joystick. To me this seems like it might be broadly useful. As an example, PlaneCommand needs the user to push a PTT button; if the user hasn't configured it, I could show a helpful dialog explaining the process.
All bugs that I have submitted are currently fixed